Welcome to MarvelStudios, a community for discussing all things related to Marvel TV/Film productions with a focus on Marvel Studios.
This community is a place to discuss, share and generally have fun with all things Marvel Studios.
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Mobius has some great lines this episode:
"Look, Renslayer kicked me down some steps too"
"I can't keep looking, it looks horrible"
"It looks like your being born, or dying, or both at the same time"
"What's he quality of life with no skin?"
Writing "Skin?" in the dust.
I enjoyed it. Feels just like going back in the world that is Loki Season 1. I'm very curious what General Dox is actually up to. I feel like it's some backup plan she has if everything goes to shit. Looking forward to how this season plays out.
OB: You have 1 hour!
window cracks
OB: You have 5 minutes!