Lurkers Assemble! Why do you lurk?
Yiffit chat! Talk about anything you want here.
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Community Icon (CC-BY-NC-SA) Tom Fischbach
There are lots of reasons why I prefer to lurk, and some of them - my English is not so good, and while I don't use translator for writing comment's and chatting, there's still always a feeling that my poor knowledge of language makes me look ridiculous. Also my social anxiety makes much harder for me to make any contact with people just because it always feels like I'll be ashamed for my opinion, for my poor selection of words and so on
To me your English looks amazing. I'm working on my own anxiety, I've made a challenge to myself to post twice a week and make a bit more of an effort to post more comments when something is on my mind. So long as you don't violate the rules here, the worst that will happen with posting something that people here don't like is it doesn't get voted on. Maybe someone will post something mean, but just block, report and move on. Statistically there is at least one other person here who is into whatever it is you post.