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A community for discussing Plex Media Server. Plex Media Server is a smart software that makes playing movies, tv shows, and other media on your computer simple.
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- Plex FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions about using Plex Media Server and client apps with many useful links
- Plex App Setup Guide - Visual guide for first-run setup of Plex apps on smart devices
- c/Plex Add-ons Guide - Detailed info on many of the most popular Plex add-ons with links to setup guides and other resources. Mantained for this community.
- Servarr Wiki - The consolidated wiki for Lidarr, Prowlarr, Radarr, Readarr, and Sonarr.
- TRaSH-Guides - Guides mainly for Sonarr/Radarr/Bazarr and everything related to it.
- Awesome-arr - a complete list of Plex-related companion apps, user scripts, etc.
- Plex Hardware Transcoding Cheat Sheet - NVidia GPUs
- Organizing and Naming Your Media Files
- Troubleshooting Server Connections
- Plex User Forums
^This^ ^is^ ^a^ ^community^ ^page^ ^and^ ^is^ ^not^ ^affiliated^ ^with^ ^Plex,^ ^Inc.^ ^in^ ^any^ ^way.^
Is it? We're flying without all the information here, but a disproportionate number of servers on one infrastructure could resist alarm bells and lead to a naming of the entire IP range in conjunction with that hosting provider which no longer wants this kind of behaviour in it's infrastructure.
It's totally feasible, just conjecture. Possible deniability Andy adjusting you're willing to be proactive as an organization matters legally.
Yes, as clearly indicated by this part of the linked notice:
Not sure what you're even trying to say here. There's nothing here or elsewhere indicating that too many Plex servers on the same infrastructure is a concern. I haven't read through the Plex TOS with a fine-toothed comb, but I don't imagine there's anything about making sure your server isn't hosted too close to a bunch of others.
Has there been anything from the hosting provider to indicate this, or are you just making stuff up? The notice is pretty clearly Plex indicating they have an issue with something Hetzner is doing that violates their TOS.
Plex isn't gaining any plausible deniability. They're providing instructions to migrate the servers to other hosting, which is effectively saying "you can do what you're doing, just do it over here instead."
It seems you've got it all figured! Cheers.
You're blowing smoke, without looking anything up from the source. Happy reading.
Everything I've said was based on part of the link in the OP, which I did read.
That link doesn't include anything new and explicitly states as much in the first sentence. Not sure what you're on about, but you're not making the point you think you are.