WD unveils massive 2TB SSD for Steam Deck and PC handheld owners
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Example of a game that works nicely on the deck, and is giving me a great portable replay (other than the EA Launcher): Mass Effect Legendary Edition.
Size of that game: ~110GB
Also, personally, because of the slightly shonky WiFi download speeds and that I use it offline/whilst travelling a lot, I leave a bunch of games on there just in case I fancy them.
To me, more space would be good. I am unsure I'd need 2TB, but it would solve a lot. I've also got a few hundred gigs of other launchers (battle net) and ROMs on my SSD currently that are less easy to manage than Steam installs... again, the larger drive would just lighten the worry.
Yeah but ME LE is actually 3 huge AAAs.
They really should have had them as "free" DLCs for a base game so you could install and uninstall them individually more easily. They are at least separated out into folders that you can just move to some slower secondary storage like a USB drive to free up space of ones you aren't currently playing then move them back when you want to play those games and it'll work fine, but an official way to do so would have been nice.