CD Projekt confirms which new Cyberpunk 2077 features are free and which are tied to its expansion | VGC
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Uhh did I get the same ending as you? I was alive and well when I left night city with Panam and her crew.
There are like 7 different endings with V in various states at the end.
I'm not really interested in the DLC because more than half the endings leave it on a cliff hanger all pointing to a certain new task on the space station casino (including the hidden ending that was clearly intended as the canon ending), and the DLC looks to not actually continue any of those cliff-hanger endings based on what they've shown and talked about.
Ah, well shit. Now I need to go back and play it for one of those endings. Driving off into the desert was kinda a weird ending.
Alive and on a timer if you can't fix the issue in time in Arizona.