chalk-full: Confuses chock-full with chalk it up to. Chock-full is an old phrase, perhaps coming from choke-full or full to choking. Chalk it up to comes from chalk tally marks on a slate. Chock marks indicate where to put wooden chocks (or wedges) and may be confused with chalk marks.
you just replied with something describing that you used a incorrect phrasing, it's chock full, not chalk full. Kinda like how it's taken for granted and not taken for granite
boneappleteeth my guy, also idc how long a tanky has been here, their opinions are useless and I don't have any desire to hear from them
eta: in case he fixes it, "chalk full of"
It's just such a stupid take idk. You're lost.
Sorry for not including the hyphen you dork
WHAT HYPHEN??? its chock full you goof
chalk-full: Confuses chock-full with chalk it up to. Chock-full is an old phrase, perhaps coming from choke-full or full to choking. Chalk it up to comes from chalk tally marks on a slate. Chock marks indicate where to put wooden chocks (or wedges) and may be confused with chalk marks.
you just replied with something describing that you used a incorrect phrasing, it's chock full, not chalk full. Kinda like how it's taken for granted and not taken for granite