(inspired by friends' dating app woes)
Humble brag. Yeah it's certainly more reasonable but let's not get carried away and act like this is easy.
Huh? Dude's like 20% body fat in that pic with a tad bit of muscle, that wouldn't even require effort for a lot of guys
[nerd alert] Shatner was known for starting the season toned and then chubbing out during filming.
He was building mass for the next season!
Humble brag. Yeah it's certainly more reasonable but let's not get carried away and act like this is easy.
Huh? Dude's like 20% body fat in that pic with a tad bit of muscle, that wouldn't even require effort for a lot of guys
[nerd alert] Shatner was known for starting the season toned and then chubbing out during filming.
He was building mass for the next season!