Not our chosen leaders. Not our way of life.
We're trying to reduce the numbers of hours a person has to work.
We talk about the end of paid work being mandatory for survival.
/join #antiwork
Yeah bullshit jobs make me annoyed too. Why can I not pump my own gas in your state? "Oh, those people need jobs." Okay that makes it more annoying to get gas but okay.
But there are jobs that need doing! These people could be building solar panels, working at carbon sequestration, or even just staffing childcare which we desperately need. Why are we wasting our workforce in made up jobs when we have work that needs doing?
Exactly, look up the broken window fallacy
That's a good point SuckMyWang
I think I understand you're pro UBI. Just wanted to state that I'm pro UBI too. Especially instead of bullshit jobs.