LTT is starting to lose subscribers
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~~LTT/LMG community. Brought to you by ******... Actually, no, not this time. This time it's brought to you by Lemmy, the open communities and free and open source software!~~
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Being transparent about your business, comes with pros and cons. Right now a female employee shared her end of the story to the web on why she quit, and you're seeing the reaction to it.
Edit: This amplified the ongoing issue about LTT and their information integrity, which is very likely due to root causes that Linus repeatedly ignored, or worse, believed he was right and everyone was wrong.
Didn't she leave about two years ago?
Yes, she expands on why she didn't feel safe speaking out
"Not a good look" should be the least of her concerns if she was indeed sexually harassed.
This looks a lot like victim blaming.
If the alleged facts are indeed true, it is incredibly difficult to even manage to get the police to care, let alone act. Not to mention the social stigma and the trauma.
Given the number of people involved, other people might be compelled to come forward. Then we will know for sure.
You can't really believe it is that easy. Filing a police report is, in most countries, an excruciating exercise in frustration and humiliation for women victims of harassment. It carries social stigma on a level that is astounding. Add to this the level of gaslighting usually deployed by abusers and you have a recipe for self censorship.
Yes, actually.
While I generally agree with the fundamental idea behind your statement that you should generally let the justice system do its job, you've still got to put your statement into context. Said context is that a very tiny fraction of depositions of sexual nature even reaches actual charges, and even fewer actually end up in convictions. The justice system is, objectively speaking, utterly failing at protecting people against these crimes.
Are you a professional sexually harassed person? Do you understand what is the right course of action to take here?
Yeah, but she hadn’t talked about it publicly because of fear of harassment, death threats, etc from the community