Having an issue with logging in on alternate browsers due to email isn't verified. Would it be okay to export the database, manually make the change and then re-import it?
Or could I connect to the database from a program on my computer to make the changes?
Yes. You can use an existing SMTP server (gmail [legacy app mode], yahoo, microsoft, etc). One thing to keep in mind -- if you decide to go that route don't use your personal account because the address might be exposed in the mail headers. Create a dedicated account and use that instead.
email: {
smtp_server: "smtp.example.tld:[port]" # port 25, port 587, etc
smtp_login: "username"
smtp_password: "password"
smtp_from_address: "noreply@example.tld" # or account_just_created@example.tld
tls_type: "tls" # or starttls
It's in the site settings (cog wheel icon next to the search button) under the application questionnaire text box.
thanks, any idea if properly configured if Lemmy knows how to send smtp based email?
Yes. You can use an existing SMTP server (gmail [legacy app mode], yahoo, microsoft, etc). One thing to keep in mind -- if you decide to go that route don't use your personal account because the address might be exposed in the mail headers. Create a dedicated account and use that instead.
No idea. I've been playing with it all night but so far I haven't managed to get the postfix-relay docker container to connect and send an email.
Have you configured OpenDKIM correctly? This tutorial might give you an idea or two. Gmail won't relay mail unless its signed by your domain.
seems that still won't let me log in :(