This is a good point as well that gets left out. If you can take out loans against that wealth and spend that, how is that functionally different than having the money yourself in the first place?
@133arc585@MobileSuitBagera I suppose "functionally" it about liquid assets vs fixed assets. One can borrow against their house in order to get cash in hand.
Right, their use of "functional" is wrong. It is functionally the same, because it serves the same function; it is not technically the same, but it is functionally the same.
This is a good point as well that gets left out. If you can take out loans against that wealth and spend that, how is that functionally different than having the money yourself in the first place?
@133arc585 @MobileSuitBagera I suppose "functionally" it about liquid assets vs fixed assets. One can borrow against their house in order to get cash in hand.
Right, their use of "functional" is wrong. It is functionally the same, because it serves the same function; it is not technically the same, but it is functionally the same.