Why are flights cheaper than trains in Europe?
Community for those focused on sustainable travel. Our society's current levels of energy intensive and frequent travel are not compatible with life on a finite planet. We advocate for long-term slow travel to see the world, and low energy local travel to deeply experience your community. Green washing free zone.
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It's faster and cheaper than trains
Apart from long distances, that's true only if you count flight time. To take a plane, you need to drive to the airport (which is far from the city), show up at least 2 hours before your flight, go through check-in, wait in line and do the reverse on arrival; and if there's a sudden storm or something you gotta wait on the runway for another 3 hours. Trains take you from one city center to another city centre, you need to show up 20 minutes before departure and there's no check-in (unless you live in Canada).
Artificially cheaper, planes are subsidized, trains are not. When you buy a plane ticket, you're actually paying for only a fraction of the real price.
Show up 20min before? More like 2min before :)
You like to live dangerously...
Haha why? What countries does that not work in? The only time I had to be earlier on a train than its departure was on the Eurostar
I assume you're not in the EU...
Technically not, but I traveled a lot by train in Europe