Lordwall - My latest fortress
A magazine to aggregate content about the Bay12Games game, Dwarf Fortress! Questions about the game, fortress showcase, sharing worldgen parameters, save games, original fan art, the magma-sea is the limit!
OOC: This fort was started when a friend who is new to DF confessed to having some confusion on how they should embark. What to look for, what the stuff on the screen meant, etc. While I used my "Small Volcanic Island" world-gen, I wasn't able to find a great volcano + river start, so opted for this one bordering on a glacier instead. So far I really like this map, and the only real accident we've had so far was our ONLY artifact creator, a child, got himself encased in ice when the moat started being dug. Since that time, at least THREE different agents have showed up at our fort, intent on stealing that artifact. Only one has escaped, the rest can be seen in the refuse stockpile on the bottom left.