Screw that, we'll make them use Metric. BY FORCE!
That’s no republic
Yep, that's what Napoleon did...
Vive l'empereur, then
Amd yet metric time failed
And basically every other country in the world.
How do you plan to do that when each of us is issued an assault rifle at birth and our military is 20x bigger than the next closest military? In other words, bring it on!
A community dedicated to Strange Planet comics by Nathan W. Pyle.
Screw that, we'll make them use Metric. BY FORCE!
That’s no republic
Yep, that's what Napoleon did...
Vive l'empereur, then
Amd yet metric time failed
And basically every other country in the world.
How do you plan to do that when each of us is issued an assault rifle at birth and our military is 20x bigger than the next closest military? In other words, bring it on!