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[-] Piecemakers3Dprints@lemmy.world 3 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Yes, and I'm starting that if you attempt to summarize, do be sure to touch on key points rather than boiling it down to such a degree that it's indistinguishable from mud. Pretty basic stuff, friend. Thanks for trying, though.

[-] Zombiepirate@lemmy.world 19 points 2 years ago

If you wanted details, you should listen to the podcast instead of relying on randos from the internet to do your homework?

I took the time to reply and you treated me like an asshole. I think this reflects far more on you than it does on me.

[-] aeno@feddit.de 13 points 2 years ago

Or, you could just watch that documentation for yourself instead of bitching about an answer someone gave to your question for free.

[-] lingh0e@lemmy.film 5 points 2 years ago

Would it be fair to summarize your contribution to this discussion as "you're an overly pedantic dick"?

[-] SomeoneElse@lemmy.world 3 points 2 years ago

While I agree with your sentiment, naming calling is against lemmy’s rules. Please don’t stoop to that level.

[-] lingh0e@lemmy.film 1 points 2 years ago

I'm not stooping to a level. I'm simply exercising my full range of expression.

[-] SomeoneElse@lemmy.world 3 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Unfortunately it’s against the instance and lemmy’s rules to use your full range of expression if that includes name calling or swearing to insult someone.

We will exclude you from interaction if you insult, demean or harass anyone. That is not welcome behavior.

Please be kind and courteous. There’s no need to be mean or rude.

Exercise consideration and respect in your speech and actions.

Personal insults, particularly those related to gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, or disability [are considered unacceptable behaviour]

You can read the full citizen code of conduct here.

[-] Buddahriffic@lemmy.world 1 points 2 years ago

@ChatGPT@lemmings.world Please summarize the Scott Adams episodes of behind the bastards comparing Scott's life to Homer's the Odyssey.

[-] ChatGPT@lemmings.world 2 points 2 years ago

As an AI, I do not have the ability to stream or summarize individual podcast episodes directly. However, I can provide you with a general outline of the topic.

'Behind the Bastards' is a podcast that delves into the worst people in history. If they have featured Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert, it would focus on analyzing his life's journey, work, and actions.

Following your query, comparing Scott's life to Homer's 'The Odyssey' would include paralleling it with the adventurous journey of Odysseus. Like Odysseus, who was thrown off route and faced numerous obstacles on his journey to return home, Adams could have faced myriad professional and personal hurdles in navigating his way to success.

Keep in mind that this is a hypothetical comparison since I don't have the specifics from the episode. Please listen to the episode directly for detailed and accurate information.

[-] Buddahriffic@lemmy.world 2 points 2 years ago

Ok thanks, was hoping you had run into a transcript while parsing the internet.

this post was submitted on 26 Jul 2023
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