Seriously guys! It’s drinkable in all EU countries!
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Tap water decreases your microplastic exposure by 90%.
You still can find glass bottle to avoid drinking plastics. Bottled water usually have less PFAS but it is variable and depends where you live.
This is false: Water in glass bottles often contains more microplastics than water from plastic bottles, likely due to cleaning agents.
Source (in german) https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/lemi.202352256
Nano plastics particules are everywhere. As I said it is mainly conditioned by where you live, the water and the production process. https://www.regentstudies.com/2024/09/12/glass-vs-plastic-bottle-vs-metal/
I reuse tequila bottles to store tap water, which I leave in the sun, for the uv to break down the chlorine.
Glass absorbs UV light, it's pointless
Other light does damage too. You can see it on materials at which sun shines through a window.