Moving with cats
This is a community aimed at people who want to talk about their pets, not just see pictures. Cats and dogs are likely to be the main focus, but any household pet can be included, so feel free to post about your gerbil, tortoise or hedgehog if you have one!
The main rules are that posts must be related to pets and that the focus is on discussion. Posts can include photos, as long as that is not the sole purpose of the post.
There will be a pinned post for people who want to introduce themselves and their pets where general photos can be put in the comments.
Go ahead and check with a vet, but we’ve used Feliway (spray onto blanket/towel, and diffusers) together with gabapentin after those both being suggested to be used together for a cat that had severe anxiety about vet visits. It’s a safe combo. Don’t put the Feliway on the cat directly though.
Also, making one trip with belongings and a second with the animals seems wise.