German police celebrates International Women’s Day
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It went through the main media by the way: https://www.rbb24.de/politik/beitrag/2025/03/demonstrationen-palaestina-frauentag-berlin-kreuzberg-video-gewalt-polizei.html
I think, that kind of context is important, don't you? Cutting out stuff to fit a narrative is an instrument of populism.
Still doesn't make the police in the video look good, but something has obviously happened before and that something is not visible in that video. That's what I mean with "context"...
Yes yes, sure sure. As usual. Pro Palestine protesters were "violent* and there were no false flags or instigations. We have seen this one at many American universities.
The cops were clearly "defending themselves" against all those dangerous women by wildly flailing on their heads.
German mainstream media said so, it would never lie.