German police celebrates International Women’s Day
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Maybe, you misunderstood my comment:
I did not state that the kalifat shouts happened during the protest you saw in that video. That was months ago. And it was not a protest for women at all. The participants were even separated by gender, if I remember correctly.
But I'm not arguing for obvious islamists. I'm arguing that every Palestinian protest (even those on women's march) are suspicious for the German state.
Maybe because of what happened months ago with the kalifat stuff?
I'm honest with you... I haven't heard much about that kind of protest lately in Germany and don't have insider knowledge what parts of the state, the government or the 16 sub-governments might find suspicious or not.
Let's just agree that it'd be good for everyone, if the protesters managed (maybe, they already did, I don't know) eliminating the islamists out of their groups.
Nope, it's because of the "Staatsräson". Sudent protestors on German Unis most likely don't want anything to do with the kalifate.
When reading how the police described what happened there....
Something like that never happens at an average pride parade. Why does it happen during Palestine related protests? If you are the police and experience that, I can imagine them trying to be more prepared the next time and expect the worst-case, just in case....
You're aware that the police is a biased participant in the conflict and you're not really arguing against my point, right?
Oh, but the protestor who uploaded a clip that did not show what happened before, is not biased??????
You only accepting the one side and one part of what happened there, makes you biased as well.
To be honest: I don't even know what your point is. Mine is: There is a bigger picture and we both haven't seen it.
Never said the proetestors aren't biased. There's no such thing as an unbiased perspective. I just wanted to make sure that you know that a police report should not be treated as a "factual" report (or copying one should not be counted as "journalism", as a slight tangent).
My original point was this (you could have looked it up - it's not gone):
How does the fact that the police admit that they arrest protestors for chanting slogans that criticize Israel refute my point in any way?