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There is what we are currently vs. what we can. We CAN produce a lot more. We have the resource advantage, the population advantage, the money advantage, the heavy industry advantage.
It's not a propaganda bubble. It's basic fucking math
Russia is now 4th in PPP GDP. They have the heavy industry and resources. Most importantly, demonic permawar for weapons and oil profits is happiest to extort the most money from idiots to oligarchs, compared to survival necessity of believe it or not a far less corrupt country.
So yes, like I said. The resource advantage. The money advantage. The population advantage. Etc... keep slicing that pizza into thinner slices though. "Look, Russia has this 1 whole slice! And look, a big part of this other slice!" Meanwhile the west and NATO have 7/8s of the rest of the pizza. Russia's barley holding on with the woefully inadequate weapons we've been sending to Ukraine. But sure, keep telling yourself that Russia stronk.