Is this vandalism?
A place to post your Cybertruck fails! We're here to make fun of this hunk of shit and throw as much shade as we can to that garbage bag of a human elon.
No doxxing No slurs No racism And no fucking nazis!
$80k? My loaner is not worth that much, even brand new. It’s not a special model or anything.
I got harassed today for my loaner, the same day I got it. How are people supposed to separate those with loaners from those with their own vehicle and vandalize accordingly?
I wholeheartedly agree. You still shouldn’t vandalize other people’s shit.
Property isn’t sacred, but how about we just don’t vandalize property because we don’t know everyone’s situation?
If my loaner gets vandalized I’m not going to hate Elon any more. I’m going to be pissed off that now I have to deal with that bullshit because some asshole decided to make a statement I never needed.
Are we talking about the same thing, here? The post says cybertruck. I reference the cybertruck. You bring up an old loaner, again. Is your old loaner an eighty-thousand dollar shitbox or not?
I'm sorry you got harassed, but I must ask: did your car get vandalized?
No, I did not get a cybertruck loaner and it did not get vandalized. While I understand the post, the top-level comment I responded to is a sentiment encouraging harassment and vandalism toward teslas I’ve seen growing more popular on social media, which I have now had some exposure to IRL.
Also Tesla or not, I’m a believer in leaving people and their shit alone and using healthier methods of expressing dissatisfaction if the goal is to actually change their mindset.
While today I was simply harassed, tomorrow the loaner could be vandalized by someone not differentiating Tesla models and just being pissed some guy is driving a Tesla.
Legit Tesla owners getting their vehicles harassed/vandalized are not going to get the message. They’ll simply get pissed that some angry asshole made their day less convenient and if anything, I fear that will just give them even more of an underdog complex than they already have.
Plus, vandalism repair costs = more money to Tesla.
Ok well make sure it’s not recording you.
Or……I guess let it record you? I’m not really sure which one you prefer at this point. You’ll just downvote anyway.
If you are this inconvenienced by driving a Tesla that puts me off from buying or renting one, since I wouldn't want to go through that. Makes me want to stay away from Tesla with what a hassle it is. I'd ask for another loaner personally, but more power to you for wanting to keep sticking with it.
Yep you got me, I desperately wanted the first loaner to have a fucked up tire and for the shop to not have anything else when I asked for something different, resulting in having a loaner I fucking hate, because I secretly wanted it and hoped it would happen that way.
Harassing people for their choices does not convince them of anything other than you’re an asshole, vandalizing their property (especially property that has cameras everywhere and records you doing so) just requires them to give Tesla more money to fix it, which completely invalidates your reason for doing so. Like when Republicans boycott a product by buying the product and destroying it.
I genuinely hope more people stay away from Teslas, they’re dogshit and their Nazi-ass owner shouldn’t be supported. But I’m also not inclined to fuck over other people’s shit about it. Fuck me, I guess.
Yeah plan to. It seems like a very scary car to be associated with in the current public climate. Brand has become radioactive and too ideological tied to political figures. Seems like anger is just slowly increasing over the past several weeks too.
Yep something I wasn’t sure was a thing until I experienced a small taste of it today. That’s one of the reasons I feel strongly about it. Harassing me for the loaner I got does nothing to dissuade legit Tesla owners. It just pisses me off and makes me feel like I made a mistake in a situation I had no direct control over.
Vandalizing a Tesla does nothing but put more money in Tesla’s pockets for the repair costs, and potentially fuck yourself over with vandalism charges.
We’re in a class war, and our beef is with them, and specifically in this case, Elon’s exploitation of the current Administration to dismantle the government. So why the fuck are we still vilifying each other over their actions?
I don't think people are trying to change minds anymore. I don't think people even believe it is possible to change minds. I think it's to make people afraid to make future rentals or purchases or associations unless they are a strong party affiliate.
It had me start looking into stocks of BYD and other competitors wondering where investors might flow to if the cultural sentiment keeps escalating to a full on alt right brand.
Yeah, I can see that. Both in online forums as well as with any kind of brand discussion, EV or otherwise. Everyone’s mind is made up already.
But using fear to force your political views has another word: Terrorism. I can’t believe that to be the right path forward either, and I don’t think that’ll stop alt-rights or Tesla devotees. It’ll just widen the divide even more.
I would love for Lucid and Polestar to put out more affordable models. Ford, Toyota and Chevrolet have been taking real half-measures in the EV space, and have been donating a LOT of money to the GOP in recent years so I don’t want to give them my business either. It’s hard finding a lesser evil when most of the competition is involved closely with the fossil fuel industry.
My sister has a Nissan Leaf and loves it, but those are really showing their age now.
How about not borrowing a Swasticar?
I would love to not need a car in this country whose infrastructure requires one. Unfortunately, that is not yet practical for everyone.
If you have something else for me to borrow, I’ll give it back today. It’s a shit car and I hate driving it.