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AEW only has 2 shows at this time, Dynamite and Collision. Rampage ended at the start of the year, and Dark/Dark Elevation were youtube shows which ended years ago. Plus ROH is its own thing, they just use AEW talent along with others hired mainly for ROH, you can skip ROH and not have it really impact your AEW experience (tho, the shows are usually good!).
Belts, you are spot on lol.
AEW: Men and women each have a World title. Each have a midcard "TV" title (the TNT, and TBS titles). And the men have the tag, and trios belts.
The International title was introduced as another midcard mens belt, but its never been clarified where it stands to the TNT title. higher? lower? alongside? why is it diff from the other belt? who knows.
The Continental Title was a weird attempt at making a triple crown title for AEW's Continental Classic (their take on NJPW's G1 Climax round robin tournament) by combining the ROH world title, the NJPW Strong title, and this belt itself (which did not exist before hand so how is it a triple crown?!). Those belts were split from it eventually, so as of right now its just another secondary title somewhere on par to the Intl/TNT titles and however they rank which also gets defended yearly in a round robin tournament.
ROH has (since I'm here):
Men and Women's world title, Men and Women's midcard belt (TV titles). Men have tag belts, and trios which should be retired or merged with AEW's trios already. They also have the Pure title which is a special rules division of more technical wrestling.
Thank you for the clarification. Ok, I’ll follow Dynamite and if something important is being advertised for Collision I’ll check it out maybe.
But yeah, as I suspected, there are way too many belts on AEW television for a new viewer to grasp. I’ll just stick with what you said.
World Title Women’s World Title
TNT Championship TBS Championship
Tag Championships
That’s much easier to follow imo
The main thing to keep in mind with AEW (especially if you're coming from WWE) is that AEW is focused far more on match quality and work rate than storylines and title runs.
The problem of too many titles also (in my opinion) comes from Tony Khan not wanting to de-legitimize Ring of Honor or its championships in respect to its legacy. There's a good chance AEW wouldn't exist at all if not for RoH. Rumor is RoH will be getting its own tv deal soon, and we might see more separation between AEW and RoH when that happens.