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I get what you're saying about the right being more unified, but writing them off as dumb is a mistake. The reason their messaging works isn’t just because their audience is less intelligent, it’s because it speaks to their material concerns and fears. The left needs to stop assuming people will just ‘figure it out’ and start actually meeting them where they are.
Yes, the left has more ideological diversity, but that shouldn’t be an excuse for why we keep failing at mass mobilization. The right has factions too - libertarians, religious fundamentalists, corporate elites, working class conservatives - but they manage to unite under a common goal. We need to do the same instead of endlessly debating who is the ‘most correct’ leftist.
Also, the idea that leftists don’t need influencers because they already know who to be mad at is exactly why the left struggles with mass outreach. Working-class people aren’t sitting around reading theory; they need someone to break things down in ways that feel relevant to them (and this is one area where Marxists get things right). Right-wing influencers do this effectively, while many left-wing figures get bogged down in purity politics or academic jargon.
If we really want to win, we have to get better at messaging, outreach, and coalition-building, not just hope that people are naturally smart enough to come to the right conclusions on their own.
Just a minor correction, I never meant the entirety of the right wing population isn't as intelligent. Just the ones who gobble up the slop that certain influencers put out. Its also worth mentioning that a lot of right wing influence also comes from common social media and the news. They have a lot more control, so while they are more diverse than I initially stated, it's easier to herd these people to a common goal.
With all that being said, I do agree with WHY we should have more influencers. But atleast for myself, I don't need people to break down theory for me. I've picked up quite a lot passively from various different places, mostly common places for discussion, such as here on Lemmy and with friends that are smarter than me irl.
Of course, that's just me, and I should probably be more cognitive of that and use better understandable language in my posts, and recognize that not everyone is the same as I am.
But good points all around.