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If you don't like hearing things like that, don't be right-wing.
Sure, you can say that you personally don't support the terrible things that the right wing is doing, but then if you vote right wing, you are supporting them and therefore you are culpable for their crimes.
Come up with a different party or something.
I'm not right-wing, but I still don't like hearing things like that. Well, reading things like that in this case. It speaks poorly of a person's character to be happy about strangers' deaths.
My opposition to the right wing is largely based on them being vicious bullies, to put it in schoolyard terms. I don't want to counterbalance them by "learning how to be bigger bullies" on the left. I want a better world.
Read what I say instead of what you think I said.
I said I wouldn't mourn it, not that I would be happy about it.
Playing games with the phrasing doesn't change the essence. I stand by my critique of your ghoulishness. you even hear yourself?
Just proving your point, smh.
No wonder leftists are constantly infighting, some percent seemingly just refusing to understand what being principled means
It's honestly alarming how devoid of reason and compassion these people who scream about love and acceptance can be at times.
I know it's not everyone on the left but the far left is legitimately concerning to listen to.
Anybody on the right has my full encouragement and approval to become a better person while they are still alive, but once they die, their ability to reform dies with them.
If you die on the wrong side of history, how can you be redeemed?
Why should I mourn the evil dead when the living has to live with what the evil did?
This is not the vibe buddy