meanwhile: a rabbit
one should not chase the electric dream, but strive to became an extension to its dreamer
Automatism in the age of the children of Unix. This community is for all things related to computers, content, surrealism and wizardry.
This is also where pmjv posts his work
Now that you're a surrealist, become a Techno-Mage:
I blinked twice 2 years ago, but if you really want, I can do it again.
Can confirm. I was there when it happened.
I think there's even a video of the event somewhere.
"Ask, and you shall receive. Search, and you shall find" ...
How to catch the eye of a woman you pass in the street
Sorry, couldn't help it.
Hidden knowledge to the mind of the average denizen of western society.
(sorry, couldn't help it either)
Can I catch a ride?
Sorry I missed you. Seems I’m headed in the opposite direction.