The only argument I will, begrudgingly, accept
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Very true, and although my specialty is not geology, I'm fairly confident the magma is also not carbonated.
Idk, how do you explain geysers? If you taste the water runoff, it's very clearly carbonated (and nasty with a very metallic taste).
I expected most volcanic gasses (and geysers) to be largely sulfuric. After looking it up, I have to agree. The Earth is full of dissolved gasses making it not flat.
I'm not a geologist either, but I know there is in fact have a lot of gaz dissolved into magma.
Considering there is far more magma than water on earth, I can confidently say that eath is not flat.
Since I am a pedant, I would agree with you after looking up volcanic gas composition. I love how we can get to the smart stuff via dumb memes.
Source : https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magma