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Current stable release: 10.10.4
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I also simply watch in my browser when on desktop.
If it needs to transcode, then it transcodes. I don't see the need to put extra effort in trying to avoid it.
What settings are you using under Playback -> Transcoding? Have you changed anything?
My server has a AMD Ryzen 9 5950X and a single transcode about maxes it out on CPU usage. Even when playing a 1080p file. This can't be normal if others are just "dealing" with transcodes, unless everyone is using hardware acceleration. I'm using Firefox as the client.
Edit: I did turn off Allow encoding in HEVC format and Allow encoding in AV1 format and things are a bit better. Still not sure how people avoid transcoding on Firefox though.
I think that's what (almost) everyone does. My little N100 works just fine with QSV.
@qjkxbmwvz @gccalvin Not using HW accel. Ryzen 3600G. Even 4K transcodes work fine