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They aren’t Nazis, far from it. Using that kind of hyperbolic language and forced equivalence hinders you from understanding how Trumpism/MAGA actually works. Trumpism has some similarities with fascism, but it’s fully its own extremely American populist personality cult.
The ideology and policies of the Nazis were on a whole different level.
Trumpism doesn’t need to be fully fascist, because it managed to gain all branches of government through elections. Trump is actually popular and democratically legitimized.
If your analysis remains at Nazis! you will never understand how to fight them. It has failed as a political tactic for years. They laugh at it, and rightly so.
Nazi/Fascist are interchangeable because the most recent extreme fascist threat on a large-scale was from Nazis. Whether you like it or not, the two terms are interchangeable in our society.
The Trump Party has undeniably embraced fascism. It's acceptable to call them Nazis. They're running the same playbook the Nazis were at the beginning. They're PERFORMING NAZI SALUTES WITH THE PRESIDENTIAL SEAL IN FRONT OF THEM AT PRESIDENTIAL INAUGURATIONS.
Stop trying to distract.
I feel like this kind of reductive language isn't helpful. They are nazis in the sense that mstters.
Nazi has for a while been another word for fascist, or at least a particular brand of it. The Republican party as a whole has slowly been moving in this direction my entire life.
Trump being too stupid to play the long game managed to build a cult around him by speed running fascism, but there is nothing he stands for that the Republican party hasn't had a long hystory of standing for.
People denying the facism is how we got here.