Trading in PTCGP pocket clarified (coming this month)
The instance hosting this community is closing to the public on March 1st 2025.
A replacement community has been setup here:
Please update your subscriptions accordingly so we can keep sharing!
Anyone who would like to make an account with crazypeople.online is welcome to sign up with us. See you around!
I'll be checking here for trading partners when it's opened up. I still need 8 diamonds and a few 1-stars.
I got cards to play a pikachu ex deck pretty early on, but I'm missing second copies to be able to play a lot of other meta decks - no second gardevoir, no moltres ex at all, no second celebi ex or gyarados ex. I'd quite like to try a deck with starmie ex, but I only have one of those too... So filling in some of those gaps will be nice.