Heat pump as a money trap; the real issue is building regs
A place to post links and discussions around the UK's energy production, National Grid, energy consumption, and green energy news.
See https://grid.iamkate.com/ for the UK's current energy production and sources.
Created 23/07/23
Lobbying from Big House. They say it'll raise the cost of new builds but they don't mention the lower running costs. If you factor in the way such measures would kickstart the green home energy industry (with more quality jobs), reduce the cost of such measures thanks to economies of scale and leave us less beholden to the whims of the energy producers, it would be a net gain.
Unfortunately, if Starmer tries it, he'll be hammered with "Keir makes buying a house more expensive" headlines and he is already being given a kicking in the right wing press. However, if he also announced a Green New Deal with improvements to the poorest households he could claw back some favour from the public (and further boost jobs) but where would the money come from? I'd like a few more windfall taxes on energy companies and it'd be popular.