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Late Stage Capitalism
A place for for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited.
A zero-tolerance policy for bigotry of any kind. Failure to respect this will result in a ban.
1 Understand the left starts at anti-capitalism.
2 No Trolling
3 No capitalist apologia, anti-socialism, or liberalism, liberalism is in direct conflict with the left. Support for capitalism or for the parties or ideologies that uphold it are not welcome or tolerated.
4 No imperialism, conservatism, reactionism or Zionism, lessor evil rhetoric. Dismissing 3rd party votes or 'wasted votes on 3rd party' is lessor evil rhetoric.
5 No bigotry, no racism, sexism, antisemitism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, or any type of prejudice.
6 Be civil in comments and no accusations of being a bot, 'paid by Putin,' Tankie, etc.
Explain exactly how using a Chinese app will negatively impact the average American. Don't use vague threats, use evidence based examples. I'll wait.
You've gotta be more specific than chucking a wiki link to a UK data company, champ.
If you're not aware by now that social networks are vectors for influencing people's political opinions, you're living in the wrong decade, amigo.
Can you provide any evidence that china is influencing political opinions in a way which would be unique to using a Chinese app? Or are you just fear mongering and talking out your ass?
Because China bad. Duh.
Wow, so all it took to resurrect McCarthyism was the addition of racism, eh?
Sorry, I assumed the /s was implied.
The real irony being you were actually right the first time, no sarcasm needed.