Even with SteamOS coming to more systems Bazzite has no plans to go anywhere
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Original /r/linux_gaming pengwing by uoou.
I'm on endeavour for my devices, def a solid option!
I like what the mint team does on their end but I'm over Ubuntu. If mint shifts their base to debian I'll consider it again.
There is Mint Debian Edition if you're interested. Lacks some of the homegrown tools of the main edition last I checked, but it's there for those who want it.
Absolutely, it's a good move. I've been recommending that to friends who are hesitant to branch out of Debian and are over Ubuntu.
I'm hoping mint eventually makes LMDE their default. Tho until then, even just a baseline install of Debian is easy enough these days.
That's it, thanks. The Markdown to make it part of the comment just isn't working for me for some reason.
i think you got the URL and text backwards. Try
That actually was exactly it. Can't believe I missed that multiple times while editing the comment. Thanks for the help.