Epicurean (2025-01-07)
Posts and discussion about the webcomic Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal by Hugo Award-winning author Zach Weinersmith (and related works)
New comics posted whenever they get posted on the site, and old comics posted every day until we catch up in a decade or so
Lucretius De Rerum Natura (The Nature of Things) isn't a terrible resd in translation for anybody who is interested in learning more about the ideas mentioned in the strip.
Not discussed: Lucretius holds Venus to be the greatest diety because she is responsible for propagation. There are some bits where he unabashedly celebrates the omni-horniness of nature.
Well, what is "nature" except the unfolding, in all of its bawdy fullness, of "life uhh...[finding] a way"?
Guess I'm Team Lucretius! Thanks for the recommendation.