The deer aren't crossing the road
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Trains. The answer is trains. Just because you are uncreative in using technology as it exists today does not mean that we have to go back to the stone age to find a low-emissions and safe means of transportation.
Trains can't be the answer. What are you gonna do, put large networks railroads connecting every part of a city easily and accessibly, perhaps underground so they stay out of the way and can operate without unduly harming the natural environment? Let me guess, you also want to put railways stretching across countries so that large amount of people and/ or cargo can be transported with relative speed and efficiency while also avoiding creating large swaths of asphalt wastelands? Preposterous!
I love trains but trains can't reach everywhere.
And if you can't spot comedic exaggeration, I apologise.
How convenient it is then, that local transportation is also a thing that exists.
Edit: not sure if I was blocked or if it's just an error... but here's my reply for anyone that isn't so sensitive to being challenged on their view of the world
There you go again proving that you are both uncurious and uncreative in using technology as it already exists today.
That is also very obviously not what I am talking about, nor is it where the vast majority of people in the US who use cars, are living. but good for you. The only moral car ownership is MY car ownership, and the two can't possibly exist alongside each other, therefore shut up about public transportation we can't have it sorry.
Have you read my other reply?
Wait, let me check.
No, don't have it. And I wish I had.
I live in an area with around 10.000 inhabitants and besides a single bus that swings by every hour, where most of the population is over 60 years old, there are no public transportation options.
Mass transportation requieres masses.
Only gave you low hanging fruit to pick.
This applies here and anywhere where population has very low density per square kilometer. Public transportation becomes ineffective and a 10 minute drive easily turns into an hour or two affairs. And taxis/Ubers/whatever are not affordable for making daily use of it.
What if we build railroads to everyone's home and made little self contained train engines which can easily switch rails and take you exactly where you want to be rather than within a mile or 20 of where you want to be? It's the fuuuutuurreee
What if we built more homes within a few hundred feet of a public transport stop and built societies where we don't all hate each other and can't stand to spend more than a few hours in the same building with people that aren't in our direct household?
This is the first time I've heard "cars cause political division". Nice.
politicians use cars to create and strengthen division.
Not what I said. Cars and suburbia certainly enable that, however.
Kinda is.
"Not what I said but I agree with it" isn't a great counter
Listen, I really don't have the energy to debate you. "enable" and "cause" are two entirely different words.