Welcome to Sithrak's
Posts and discussion about the Oglaf webcomic. Many of the comics are NSFW, please tag appropriately.
This comic started out as an attempt to make pornography. It degenerated into a sex comedy pretty much immediately
Posting new comics, and old comics until we're caught up
First, I took photos and scans of my Sithrak pin and Sithrak patch. Then, I traced both with Adobe Illustrator and combined them into a black and white SVG. I then added the circle rings and quotes (making sure to "Trace outlines" of each letter to preserve the font I totally have license to use in this manner). The manufacturers at DesignYourTap.com handled the laser engraving and provided the appropriate chalkboard stickers.
You know how you're supposed to "break in" a new chalk board by rubbing the whole thing with a stick of chalk on its broadside? Don't do that to these stickers, you'll just fuck them up.