[PSA]: Vanguard now allows converting mutual funds -> ETFs online
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Under "Year-to-date activity" in "Tax forms & information," I just see "Dividends & interest," which seems to lump qualified and non-qualified dividends together. I can estimate it w/ prior year info since I only have one fund in my taxable account, but it's not particularly helpful w/ tax planning.
Fidelity breaks it down by qualified and non-qualified dividends, but I'm not sure if it's correct since I only have MMFs there (which are all ordinary income on fed taxes IIRC). I've been thinking of moving my taxable assets to Fidelity partially to get better YTD tax info, but also to consolidate accounts (Fidelity has my HSA, e-fund, and "checking" already).
What neither seems to offer is a consolidated view across accounts of my YTD tax picture. I want to know:
The last one is especially important because I plan to realize income on Roth conversions at EOY depending on what my taxable income is since I'd really rather not jump into a higher bracket than expected on those conversions.
I currently manage this in a spreadsheet, which is overly complicated and which I'd honestly prefer to scrap. They gather all this info for EOY tax forms, so surely they can generate it before then...
I can see where you're coming from. Those year-end distributions don't give you much time before the 12/31 conversion deadline.
To be fair, the "penalty" for miscalculating it isn't huge, but it is annoying.