Valve is apparently making a Steam Controller 2
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I really regretted only buying one the first time around. At least I got the backplate with the dongle storage.
You better jump on this one because there will never be a 3rd. 🥲
I'm sure they'll make a steam controller: episode 1.
I think I missed this perk, I'm pretty sure mine doesn't have it? I'll need to look again. Either way, the dongle vanished ages ago, so I guess it's moot...
I remember them making it available as an STL file for 3d printing but I never saw them selling it directly
It didn't ship with my controller, I had to order it extra. I looked it up and apparently they started shipping the backplate standard with the second run of controllers. Hopefully the new controller also uses a dongle, because good god do I hate Bluetooth. Being able to plug the damn thing in and have it work on any machine instead of faffing about with BT unpairing and repairing like I do with my Xbox controller is so nice.