What book(s) are you currently reading or listening? October 29
A community for all things related to Books.
Wow, that's a really good number. Good luck reaching 200 books!
lol I pretty much listen to audiobooks all day while active doing other stuff. If I really wanted a high number, I'd either stop re-listening to stuff or go through the hassle of tracking every time I listen and let goodreads count all those towards this year.
I hate the effort of actually adding stuff to goodreads though, so I definitely don't care enough to count how many times I read books.
Hehe, fair enough.
I can't multitask at all. If I am listening to audio-book, I need to stop everything and just listen to it, but then it gets boring because I am just listening.
I like numbers though, stats, graphs, charts, lists. Those are fun, so try to log everything I can. Don't care about sharing them, but they are fun for me.
I want to replace goodreads, because it kind of sucks and my preference would be showing (and tagging/blurbing/listing) books by author/series instead of individual books, but none of the alternatives do what I want and I never seem to have time to roll my own version.
But on the plus side you can export your lists through the website, so I keep up the tracking I can there with the intent of eventually doing it myself and doing some basic self hosting.
I just care about cataloging books, with proper info, and LibraryThing is great for that. My only non-complaint is that it's not self-hosted, but I semi-regularly export my books, so it's all good.
I can understand about not getting time to roll your own version. I have been trying to do that for a game cataloging app for over a decade, starts with some new tech every year or so then get busy with stuff and forget about it.
I can't function without the bulk edit tool goodreads has. My actual goodreads list is 1400 books and I need to be able to go through groups of 50-100 checking boxes to make lists. My real preference for fiction would be to be able to tag by series/author.
Just remaking my "high quality psychology/adjacent" books list by typing every name one at a time is way more than I can stomach.
There are some features for that in LT, power edit or something, though I haven't actually explored them in depth, or even looked at them in years, so I could be wrong about those.
It could have evolved since I tried it. I think I'll probably still end up targeting my own, though, because I don't care about any of the social stuff, but do really want to be able to treat series and authors as first class citizens. (The idea being to share a list of favorite series with brief blurbs about what I like about each, ideally kind of ad hoc so I can quickly create a list without rewriting every thought I've had about it but tailor it to a specific person or conversation.)
But yeah, limited by my commitment to it I guess.
I would look forward to it! Do remember to let us know whenever it reaches any kind of usable state.
I understand that it can take a long time due to other priorities, but now you know there are some other people waiting for it too, so it may give you some additional motivation!