What book(s) are you currently reading or listening? October 29
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Currently reading There Is No Antimemetics Division by qntm, which involves a department of the SCP Foundation dealing with entities that delete memories, communication, etc. I don't intend to go down the SCP rabbit hole, but I'm finding the book inventive and enjoyable so far.
Read Dark Harvest by Norman Partridge. Short, fun, mindless Halloween action horror.
Bingo squares: Family Drama; Eazy, Breazy, Read-zie; Now a Major Motion Picture; It's About Time; Award Winner; It's a Holiday (hard); (alt) A Change in Perspective
Dark Harvest looks interesting.
What's There is no Animemetics Division? Series of web novels?
It looks like Antimemetics was originally posted online as a series of entries and short stories, as part of the SCP universe, which is an online collaborative fiction project (wikipedia for more info ). From a quick search, it seems some (all of?) it is still available if you look up 'qntm' on the SCP wiki, but I'm not sure if the self-published release included rewrites or additional material.
Sounds interesting, but it does sound like a rabbit hole where you can sink tons of hours. Don't want to do that right now ๐