For context (since someone on Reddit incorrectly objected to this meme): The original Expanding Brain was sarcastic in that bigger brains represented worse options.
Hope you don't mind if I but in but yeah. Anything audio related is best kept on windows. Even with native developer adoption aside you still have to deal with stability issues and dealing with ALSA as opposed to ASIO is a real frustration point. Considering how often I find myself having some critical system issue on (insert distribution of your choice) when on the clock with the client in the studio, or even worse, on a gig where there is 0 time to troubleshoot software. Not to mention the solution for these issues typically involves having to reinstall the entire OS, this would require a lot of people to spend a whole heap of time and energy reinstalling, activating, and transferring settings back for their DAW's, plugins, and hardware.
Hope you don't mind if I but in but yeah. Anything audio related is best kept on windows. Even with native developer adoption aside you still have to deal with stability issues and dealing with ALSA as opposed to ASIO is a real frustration point. Considering how often I find myself having some critical system issue on (insert distribution of your choice) when on the clock with the client in the studio, or even worse, on a gig where there is 0 time to troubleshoot software. Not to mention the solution for these issues typically involves having to reinstall the entire OS, this would require a lot of people to spend a whole heap of time and energy reinstalling, activating, and transferring settings back for their DAW's, plugins, and hardware.