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A community to discuss jobs, whether that's regarding to the search, advice on how to negotiate an offer, or just an open forum to vent.
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Im a software engineer. Im super lucky i have a good resume, and don't waste too much time compared to some (i never send a cover letter, ill just leave a dot or "i was forced to write this text").
Just to talk to 5 teams, i need to do 10 code challenges/interviews (3 hours each) and over 20 other types of interviews for the 5/10 tests i didnt fuckup. That's a week of work. People pay me several thousand dollars for this time normally.
I don't think getting paid will work. It could be that there's an amount in my total comp that is meant to compensate my time, and a direct cash bonus if i do get the job or something (singing bonus). But we know theyll just deduct it out of what they were going to offer anyway
I have gotten around huge coding homework during interview proceedings by telling the company that I’m also interviewing elsewhere. The homework dropped from a six hour task to a one hour task.
Some companies try to get free labor out of you during the interview proceedings.