What's the oldest game anyone here has played in 2024?
Vintage gaming community.
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I have Batocera on my Rapbperry Pi and I occasionally like to play some N64 games. So roughly late 1990s. I also tested the Apple 2 emulator and played either Apple Panic or Lode Runner, I can't remember. That'd be early 80s but I just did 2 or 3 levels.
N64 runs ok on pi? Since when? Which PI?
With my 3b some of the N64 games run, some don't. I just play the ones that do. There are options to change the emulation backend. Sometimes that helps. Sometimes after an update things change...
I stopped buying Raspberry Pis with th 3b. I'd recommend one of the $200-$250 MiniPCs from Amazon instead. Or an old laptop or computer.
I also have Batocera on an USB stick and run it on my laptop. That runs everything but has the downside of not being attached to my TV... So yeah. I wouldn't say it runs "ok". But I finished Super Mario 64 for the first time in my life on that RPI 3b. ๐
Is this similar to RetroPie and LaunchBox? Essentially an emulator front-end? That's the vibes I'm getting from a quick glance at your link
Yes. There are several projects: RetroPie, Lakka, Recalbox, Batocera. They're all some out of the box emulation solutions. emulator, frontend, controller configs, ... Sometimes you can install Kodi an also watch videos. Several of them use the exact same software. I tried them all in one evening a year ago and just stuck with the one that seemed to work best for me and didn't require a lot of additional configuration.
Nice, thanks for the clarification. I've done RetroPie before, and put Lakka on my Switch at one point. I'd like to get a couple more Pies to mess with eventually
Have a look at other options, too. There are other single board computers and mini PCs out there in all price and performance categories. Some better than the Raspi, depending on use-case.
For sure, thanks for the tip!