Live music gear (alien.top)

I shot my first live show the other day and OH BOY did those pictures turn out awful. Kinda looking for any advice you got that goes with shooting live music. The show was for a friend of mine's band and I'm shooting another this weekend. There were a few other photographers there and they all had this special flash tower thingy, it looked important, but i honestly dont know why it would be better than the built in flash. Any advice would be appreciated


Anyone here use something like this?


Their ad keeps popping up on my fb feed and it's really tempting. I wanna know if it's worth the purchase or should I go DIY?

TIA for the comments.


I've been getting into doing some night time street photography more recently and all the tips online say open up your aperture to let more light in but for wide open shots the shallow depth of field of the focus plane creates pictures that aren't as sharp. In order to create more sharp photos should I be prioritizing low aperture high iso or high aperture low iso? Is the grain of higher iso be prioritized over the depth of field?


I’m exporting some files that might be printed and looking at the output sharpening options in Lightroom Classic called my attention to how large the PPI should be if wanting an image that’s clear but to minimize noise. It’s a challenging set because most of it has to be in color and the images are shot 3200-6400 ISO, some were denoised using Lightroom’s AI, but for the most part I denoise just a little less than to remove the noise “completely” in order to try and preserve more of the original look. Decided not to offer anything larger than 11x14” or 12x12” for printing due to the low light situation. Wondering if PPI should be higher or lower to minimize noise, if exporting already in 85-90 quality (jpg). Adding output sharpening only increases noise, so it makes sense to keep the resolution high; but now for future reference I’m actually curious what the real relationship would be between noise and PPI for printing.


I like to post small albums on instagram but the photos I want to group are often different aspect ratios. Usually I pick the photo I like the most and then add black bars at the top/bottom left/right of the other photos to match the aspect ratio of that photo. But this is tedious. Is there an app or a website that will do this for me? Alternatively if someone has a Lightroom/Photoshop workflow that would make this less tedious I would appreciate that too :)


I’ve been asked to fly out and take lifestyle photos and videos of a client. March 9-12 is how long I’ll be there.. she said she will pay for my flights and hotel. She wants to know how much will it cost for lifestyle shoots everyday while out there alongside a recap video of the entire trip.

She basically wants me to be paparazzi for her and her friends.

Any help?


I have a Roku with a Plex backend system connected to my TV. After doing my edits, I copy them up to the Plex and it indexes and puts them into albums for display. However, it is dog slow when flipping between pics.

What do you use for family slide show night?

I would prefer something where I can just grab the remote and flip, without having to connect up a laptop etc.


Elliott Erwitt, Whose Photos Are Famous, and Often Funny, Dies at 95
His camera could freeze moments in history, but he also had an eye for the humor and absurdity of everyday life. Dogs were a help there.

Nov. 30, 2023Updated 4:06 p.m. ET
In a black and white photo, Mr. Erwitt wears a white hood over a white hazardous-materials suit as he stands with one hand on his camera, which is on a tripod. The resulting image, taken between mirrors, shows him reflected multiple times, receding into the background.
Elliot Erwitt in a 1976 self-portrait. For six decades he used his camera to tell visual jokes.Elliott Erwitt/Magnum Photos
Photographers with a comic outlook on life seldom win the acclaim granted to exalters of nature or chroniclers of war and squalor. Elliott Erwitt, who died at 95 on Wednesday at his home in Manhattan, was an exception.
For more than six decades he used his camera to tell visual jokes, finding material wherever he strolled. His sharp eye for silly, sometimes telling conjunctions — a dog lying on its back in a cemetery, a glowing Coca-Cola machine amid a public display of missiles in Alabama, a mangy potted plant in a tacky Miami Beach ballroom — earned him constant assignments as well as the affection of a public that shared his sweet, Chaplin-esque sense of the absurd.
He published more than 20 books, and his black-and-white prints are in photography collections throughout the world. His daughter Sasha Erwitt confirmed the death.
Most celebrated for his witty snapshots of dogs, published in books with titles like “Son of Bitch,” “To the Dogs,” and “Woof,” Mr. Erwitt captured them as solitary animals with their own obsessions as well as personable interactors with humans.
A black and white photo, taken at ground level, shows, side by side, the front legs and feet of a large dog, the high boots of a woman and a very small dog on a leash.
New York, New York, 1974.Elliott Erwitt/Magnum Photos
A black and white photo of a man, in shorts and sandals, sitting on a city stoop with one bulldog sitting on his lap, hiding his face, and another next to him on a leash.
New York City, 2000.Elliott Erwitt/Magnum Photos
In an essay for Mr. Erwitt’s “Dogs Dogs,” P.G. Wodehouse wrote: “There’s not a sitter in his gallery who does not melt the heart, and no beastly class distinctions, either. Thoroughbreds and mutts, they are all here.”
The popularity of Mr. Erwitt’s canine candids obscured the diversity of his work. He never specialized and always freelanced. A lifelong member and one-time president of Magnum, the esteemed collective of independent photographers — a co-founder, Robert Capa, invited him to join in 1953 — Mr. Erwitt took all kinds of assignments, from fashion to politics
A black and white photo of the actress, in close-up and semi-profile, reclining on a chair while reading a book, her right elbow propped on an arm of the chair and her right index finger pushing against her right eyebrow.
Marilyn Monroe, 1956.Elliott Erwitt/Magnum Photos
He photographed celebrities (Humphrey Bogart, Jack Kerouac, Marilyn Monroe, Che Guevara) for Life, Look, and other magazines, and he did travel campaigns for Ireland and France.
A number of his images became famous. One of his most well known shows a veiled Jacqueline Kennedy holding a folded American flag during President John F. Kennedy’s burial at Arlington National Cemetery in 1963.
Even better-known is one from 1959, of Vice President Richard M. Nixon poking Soviet Premier Nikita S. Krushchev in the chest during the so-called Kitchen Debate in a Moscow exhibition of American products. (The picture was turned into a poster by Republicans in the 1960 campaign, enraging the staunchly anti-Nixon Mr. Erwitt. “It was used without my permission,” he later said. “I was angry, but I couldn’t do anything about it.”)
Nixon leaning in and jabbing his right index finger into the chest of Khrushchev, whose eyes are closed. The two are surrounded by other men.
Moscow, July 1959.Elliott Erwitt/Magnum Photos
In black and white, Mrs. Kennedy, in a black veil and escorted by a soldier in uniform, holds a folded American flag while Robert Kennedy looks on at right.
Arlington, Virginia, Nov. 25, 1963.Elliott Erwitt/Magnum Photos
Another memorable photograph, from Edward Steichen’s landmark photo exhibition “The Family of Man” (and subsequent book) at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, was titled “Mother and Child.” Taken in 1953, it shows a woman on a bed looking into her baby’s eyes while a cat coolly surveys the scene. The baby was Mr. Erwitt’s daughter, Ellen, and the woman was his first wife, Lucienne Matthews, who died in 2011.
Museums exhibited his work from the 1960s until his death, and over the years he received one-man shows at the Museum of Modern Art, the Art Institute of Chicago, the Museum of Modern Art in Paris and the Barbican in London. In 2002, a comprehensive retrospective was mounted at the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia in Madrid.
In black and white, a smooching couple were captured in the round sideview mirror of an automobile parked near a beach. An expanse of ocean stretches to the horizon, where the sun is setting.
Berkeley, California, 1956.Elliott Erwitt/Magnum Photos
Elio Romano Ervitz (“Romano, because my father had once attended the University of Rome” and “liked it”) was born on July 26, 1928, in Paris, the son of a Russian Orthodox Jew (there were many Talmudic scholars in his family) and his Russian wife. They had fled to France after the 1917 Revolution.
In an autobiographical essay in his book “Personal Exposures” (1988), Mr. Erwitt wrote that his father, Boris, had never lost faith in socialism and had blamed his wife, Eugenia (Trepel) Erwitt (“embarrassingly rich as a young girl”), for the couple’s exodus from “the Promised Land of the Soviet Paradise.”
After moving the family to Italy, his father found Mussolini’s regime intolerable and shuttled everyone back to France in 1938. Although Boris and Eugenia had separated in Milan when their son was 4, the three left together on a boat for the United States a year later, a few days before World War II began.
Elio Ervitz became Elliott Erwitt in New York but continued his peripatetic life. After two years living with his salesman father on Central Park West in Manhattan, father and son drove across country to Los Angeles in 1941, the two selling wristwatches in small towns en route to pay their way.
A few years later, his father was off again, this time selling his wares in New Orleans and leaving his 16-year-old son to fend for himself. Boris later traveled to Japan to be ordained as a Buddhist priest and returned to practice his adopted religion in Manhattan.
Mr. Erwitt credited “shyness” — he had arrived in New York speaking no English — with making him a photographer. He began seriously taking pictures in Los Angeles with an antique glass-plate camera when he was 16, then upgraded to a Rolleiflex.
“My dentist was my first customer, then people’s houses and children, then the senior prom,” he wrote. Photos of movie stars also sold well.
After graduating from Hollywood High School, he studied photography at Los Angeles City College, took a job in a commercial dark room and hustled for work. In 1949, he headed back to New York, where he met Capa and Steichen, studied film at the New School for Social Research and enjoyed a nascent professional career before the Army drafted him during the Korean War.
While serving in 1951 with an Army Signal Corps unit in France, he took a picture of soldiers killing time in the barracks. By his account, the photo changed his life. Submitting it to a Life magazine contest, he won a prize, and the photograph was published as “Bed and Boredom.” With the $2,500 check (“an astronomical amount at the time”), Mr. Erwitt bought a car and nicknamed it “Thank you, Henry,” after the Time-Life publisher, Henry Luce.
The unheroic and the offbeat had already become signature motifs for Mr. Erwitt. He made his first dog-related pictures in 1946, for a fashion story about women’s shoes for The New York Times Magazine.
Mr. Erwitt, at a photography show, looks straight ahead at the camera. He has gray hair and wears eyeglasses, a dark jacket over a blue shirt and red and blue patterned tie. Spectators are in the background out of focus.
Mr. Erwitt in 2010. In 1951, while serving with an Army Signal Corps unit in France, he took a picture of soldiers killing time in the barracks. By his account, the photo changed his life.Jemal Countess/Getty Images
One image from that assignment, of a panting Chihuahua in a sweater on a sidewalk next to a woman in sandals, was featured in many exhibitions.
“I decided to photograph from a dog’s point of view because dogs see more shoes than anybody,” he reasoned.
Mr. Erwitt tended to use a view camera for advertising jobs while reserving his 35-millimeter for personal shooting. Henri Cartier-Bresson was one of many who were astonished that his friend was so easily able to do both kinds of work.
“Elliott has to my mind achieved a miracle,” Mr. Cartier-Bresson once said, “working on a chain-gang of commercial campaigns and still offering a bouquet of stolen photos with a flavor, a smile from his deeper self.”
Speaking four languages, a facility that allowed him to find regular work in Europe during the 1950s, ’60, and ’70s, Mr. Erwitt relished the freelance life.
“Some people can’t stand the insecurity, but I’ve never been overly bothered by it,” he wrote in 1988, adding that his unstable income stream was harder on his wives and girlfriends than on him.
Mr. Erwitt was married and divorced four times: to Lucienne Van Kan, from 1953 to 1960; to Diana Dann, from 1967 to 1974; to Susan Ringo, from 1977 to 1984; and to Pia Frankenberg, from 1998 to 2012.
In addition to his daughter Sasha, from his third marriage, he is survived by another daughter from that marriage, Amelia Erwitt; two daughters from his first marriage, Ellen and Jennifer Erwitt; two sons from his first marriage, Misha and David; 10 grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. He lived on the Upper West Side of Manhattan for about 60 years.
In the 1970s, Mr. Erwitt was among the first to benefit from the art market’s interest in contemporary photographs as an investment. Brokers bought prints in bulk for tax shelters. “That windfall bought my house in East Hampton,” he said.
“Photographs and Anti-Photographs,” published in 1972, was the first in a string of Erwitt books. During this time he also produced and directed a series of short film documentaries: “The Many Faces of Dustin Hoffman” (1968), “Beauty Knows No Pain” (1971), “Red, White and Bluegrass” (1973), “The Glassmakers of Herat, Afghanistan” (1977), and “The Magnificent Marching 100” (1980). He continued making films in the 1980s, producing a series of 18 short comedies for HBO.
A black and white photo of a man on a rain-slicked plaza leaping, his legs doing a split, while holding an umbrella. A man and a woman nearby embrace under their umbrellas. The Eiffel Tower looms in the background.
Paris, 1989.Elliott Erwitt/Magnum Photos
In black and white, a young couple are kissing in the back seat of a car. The photo was taken through a side window.
New York City, 1955.Elliott Erwitt/Magnum Photos
But his goofy and agile still photography will undoubtedly be his best-remembered legacy. Along with dogs, nudity tickled him, and he found as much material on public beaches as on the streets. The human comedy activated his eye, even if he was hard-pressed to explain his process of seeing.
“You can take a picture of the most wonderful situation and it’s lifeless, nothing comes through,” he observed. “Then you can take a picture of nothing, of someone scratching his nose, and it turns out to be a great picture.”
The gentle humor of his pictures did not prevent him from maintaining a brusquely anti-intellectual stance toward what he did.
He was wary of interpretation. “In general, I don’t think too much,” he wrote. “I certainly don’t use those funny words museum people and art critics like.”
He believed photography was “a lazy man’s profession” that required only “modest ability.” The mystery of how he did what he did could not be explained, even by himself, and that seemed to please him. He concluded that “ideas, wonderfully entertaining as they can be in conversation and seduction, have little to do with photography.”
Richard B. Woodward, a longtime art and photography critic in New York, died in April. Alex Traub contributed reporting.
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I've been trying to understand if crop sensors can perform about as well as FF sensors for portrait photography. Assume that means we want depth of field to be as narrow as possible.

I feel like I keep arriving back at the conclusion that sensor size doesn't matter all that much on a fundamental level (that is, ignoring factors like "FF lenses tend to be higher quality because that's what professionals tend to use").

Here's the distilled logic. Please correct me if anything seems incorrect. For a given scene and composition (same distance away, same field of view):

  • Total amount of incident light on a sensor depends only on pupil diameter (absolute aperture size, not f-stop).
  • Depth of field depends only on pupil diameter.

So for example, let's say we want to shoot a scene at f/2 on a FF camera with an 75mm lens. The pupil diameter will be 75mm/2=37.5mm. It seems like we can shoot the exact same scene on a 1.5x crop sensor using a 50mm lens at f/1.3, which will have the same field of view and a pupil diameter of 50mm/1.3=38.4mm. Same amount of light on the sensor, same bokeh.

The only differences I can see here would be in possible increased cost/difficulties in manufacturing an f1.3 lens for a 1.5x crop sensor vs. f/2 for a FF sensor. I don't know enough about lens manufacturing to have a sense for this. Is it harder to make a lens with the same absolute largest aperture for one sensor size vs. another?

Does this make sense? Any obvious inaccuracies?


Eons ago I was obsessed with capturing close-up/isolation of a subject/scene to create abstracts out of the everyday. I'm sure the catalyst was one of those close-up image with a multiple choice of is it a a) tree; b) potato; or c) raccoon, nevertheless I spent years on and off doing this.

Fast forward to today I can't remember the last time I worked up the bothered-ness to go out with a macro lens, yet I still find myself looking at everything, drawing imaginery framelines, wondering what a light source from a particular angle would look like, etc etc.



I won an eBay listing for a 24-70mm f2.8 GM. However, the seller's photos showed a 16mm-35mm f2.8 GM.

I didn't think I'd win as my highest bid was $1k.

Turns out, I won and he then clarified his mistake and wants to know if I'd like the unopen (New) 16-35mm f2.8 GM.

I probably need the entire range but what would be the #1 focal length you'd use for traveling?

Also, is $1k for that lens worth passing on or is it a good deal?


I'm a 14 Year Old aspiring car photographer, I have shot some cool things in the past few months, like a Lamborghini Tour Weekend in the Yorkshire Dales and private shoots with a 992 GT3, E30 M3, 3.0 CSL, M5 Competition (was free work for a dealership). You can see my work on Instagram @rmsphoto if you're interested.

Anyway, My goal for photography is to have a few companies on retainer deals for social media management, photography and videography. I have tried reaching out to about 10 companies via email, offering them a free shoot to test out what I can produce, but not a single one has responded. I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong but any advice is appreciated as I want to reach out to a car dealership in the Peak District, which has some pretty good cars, and has even sold an XJ220 😳, to offer photoshoots and social media management.

Thank you


I love photography and want to share my photos to new people. I used instagram for years but it only ever shows my photos to people who are already following me.

Where do you guys post? I would love to see some of your profiles for inspo 😊.


I will be taking some family photos for a young family (parents + 6 month old) this weekend. They cannot afford to pay a photographer and I told them I will try but have never taken family photos before. I have a canon rebel T3 I will be using. I would appreciate any tips/tricks. This family doesn’t have any photos with the baby yet so I’d like to get a few good ones.


Now that I take on a bunch of client work I'm noticing it's pretty common to be ghosted after I reply to inquiries about pricing and availability. I pride myself on quick responses and I keep my emails short and sweet to not overwhelm. I'm priced on the mid to high end side for my city ($400 for a 1hr shoot, video work starting at $1,000), however, I don't have a public-facing pricing sheet based on the back and forth advice I see on the internet. I'm thinking it's mostly just sticker shock from people expecting to pay way less?

Do other professionals experience the same behavior? If so, any tips to help combat it?

I also see it on the other end when I'm reaching out to potential clients I'd like to work with. Zero acknowledgement that I even tried to contact them, even with referrals.

Is it true? (alien.top)

Is it true that storing your camera and lenses in a dehumidifier/ dry cabinet can damage the leather or beading of the lens and cameras?


Hi everyone! I’m a photographer and i love sharing my work online. Recently someone suggested that color grading my images would make them stand out more and make my profile more pleasing to look at. I’m not entirely sure how to feel about it. I’ve only ever focused on color correcting my photos and that’s probably why my posts look chaotic and don’t blend that well together. I don’t have a recurring theme. Is color grading just adding the exact same edits to every photo? Making them have the same color theme going on? I’ve noticed that some artists mainly focus on the yellow color and their photos look “warm”. Is that what they mean by color grading? And what programs would you recommend i use to edit my images? Preferably something free or cheap. Any answers and suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Have been struggling to figure it out on my own.

submitted 10 months ago by _Yoke@alien.top to c/photography@viewfinder.pro

Hello! Not sure if this is the best place to ask…

I’ve been tasked with combing through a large database of photos and organizing them by keywording in a way that makes it easy to search for images containing certain things (example: coworker wants to find image of dog in park, they search in explorer “tags: (dog and park)”.

Considering the functionality of iPhotos to recognize animals and human faces, I wonder if there’s a program that can be used to search this data base using A.I? So that without keywords, the program could search for contents in an image and show results similar to what was searched (think Pinterest)

There’s also a potential solution which is a program that has auto keywording… does this exist?

Any ideas would be helpful thank you!


Hi all! I'm looking for some feedback on a local photographer we have booked for a family portrait session. I can't tell if I'm right to be disappointed or if it's just how things go... (first time booking a shoot like this).


I reached out October 6 asking if she had any availability, she responded Oct 10 with a date of Nov 4th - which worked great for us. I selected her premium portrait package, paid half that amount as a deposit, she confirms receipt of it, we both sign the contract, and then I carried on with plans for outfits etc, as one does.

By October 30 I had received zero communications from her (though her premium package is supposed to include wardrobe planning assistance) so I reached out as our shoot was to be in a few days requesting/suggesting location info and times, and for her to update the contract to show our deposit had been paid.

She responds saying she has to cancel our sunset shoot so she can go out of town to one of her children's sport event, but says it's fine, because she doesn't shoot in the rain and the forecast was for rain that day. She suggests an alternate date of December 2 at 9:30 a.m. (so not the sunset shoot that is a feature of her premium package) and that she'll take the photos as fast as she can. She offered a $50.00 discount for this, which I accepted, so we rescheduled, and left it at that to wait for the new date to arrive.

November 4th turns out to be a beautiful warm sunny afternoon, which made me feel a little annoyed.

It is now two days before our rescheduled shoot, and I once again have heard nothing from her regarding arrangements for it since the day we rescheduled. She's had Christmas mini sessions the past two weekends with really nice clear but crisp weather. She did not suggest including us in those when she posted that she had two free time slots during one of the days.

I am now feeling like the 'forgotten client', despite signing up for her premium package, and am trying to decide if I should be upset at this point with the lack of communication and if I should request my deposit back.... She doesn't shoot in the rain, and, you guessed it, this Saturday's forecast is for rain.... So once Saturday is cancelled as expected, I will have no photos, as we are unavailable for any other date prior to Christmas (we are on a split parenting schedule which means we only have kids on half of the weekends in a month).

Is it normal for photographers to act like this? Their only communication being just a cancellation when a client reaches out? Am I off base for being super frustrated at this point that I could have had family photos to send in cards by now, but now will likely have nothing?

I don't want to be one of those "speak to the manger!" people, so please tell me if I would be overreacting if I feel this is wildly unprofessional given that I picked her top package, and if I asked for my deposit back and to go our separate ways, because I have certainly received nothing at this point.

Thanks for your feedback!


This is going to sound dumb and I am not a photographer, but would appreciate help understanding this… I read recently that what I see when I look in the mirror is not really how I appear. When someone takes a photo of me, is that what I look like? Also, when I do selfies on my phone that is not truly how I appear to others? I have a special disability and can’t comprehend this well.


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