submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by A32topsL@lemmy.world to c/broadmcu@lemmy.world
  • MCU Marvel Cinematic Universe Blog/Community - but broader, more encompassing, even ⚠Spoilers! It's a multiverse after all, therefore...

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submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by A32topsL@lemmy.world to c/broadmcu@lemmy.world

Source: Twitter: 2024.09.26
Austin Medeiros @Austin_Medzz


Source: CinemaBlend | 2024.09.26
Agatha All Along's Biggest Mysteries Spoiled By Funko Pop Characters


Who Aubrey Plaza Is Really Playing In Agatha All Along

I had my heart set on Aubrey Plaza reprising her role as the Shadow King from Legion, but she's playing a much bigger character in the MCU who was originally left out of Avengers: Infinity War. According to pictures circulating the internet, she's taking on the role of Death. In the comics she was a major factor in Marvel's Infinity War comics, but the Russos opted not to bring her to their adaptation.

Who Joe Locke Is Really Playing In Agatha All Along

CinemaBlend's Nick Venable dropped a few guesses on who Joe Locke is playing in Agatha All Along, and one of them was right on the money. I'm sure many people thought "Teen" was Billy Maximoff, but there was still speculation on whether he'd adopt the Wiccan persona in this miniseries. Based on the Funko Pop reveal, it's looking like he will be doing that, though we can't say that with absolute certainty until we see it on screen.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by A32topsL@lemmy.world to c/broadmcu@lemmy.world

Source: ComingSoon | 2025.09.25
What Did Agatha Do to Her Son, Nicholas Scratch, in the MCU?


Did Agatha trade her son for the Darkhold? A specific scene shows her fear turning into an illusion, and the book replaces her baby, implying a possible deal with a dark force, potentially Mephisto. In the comics, Agatha’s son is Nicholas Scratch, and the MCU leaves his fate open-ended. This scene might lay the foundation for a deeper exploration of Nicholas’ role and potential return.

Is Nicholas Scratch dead or alive in the MCU? Episode 3 suggests he may have died during the exchange for the Darkhold, but some speculate he could still be alive. Given the magical nature of the trade and the MCU’s history of reviving characters, Nicholas might still play a role. His story could be connected to darker forces like Mephisto.

Did Agatha’s son turn into a rabbit or become an Agent of Mephisto? Fans have speculated that Agatha’s pet rabbit, Señor Scratchy, could actually be her son, Nicholas Scratch, transformed by dark magic. This theory is supported by the fact that “Scratch” is a known pseudonym for Nicholas in the comics. The transformation could be the result of Agatha’s deal for the Darkhold, possibly conducted by Mephisto or another powerful entity. Alternatively, Nicholas Scratch may have become an agent of Mephisto, tasked with serving the demon in exchange for power. Both theories draw from comic lore, but the mystery surrounding Señor Scratchy deepens Agatha’s complex character and opens the door for further revelations as the MCU expands its magical universe.

Broader MCU Marvel Cinematic Universe Blog, even ⚠Spoilers!

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