Stalin should've gone to the gulags.
You're doing everything, including calling me a racist and telling me your bosses pay you less, to not blame your bosses. Do you understand how dense that looks?
It'll be the other half too if we don't figure out a final solution to the billionaire question.
Again, sounds like the problem is the bosses and not the minorities who are just employees like you.
God people like you make it sound so easy and then I tried it to find it's actually even easier.
Don't get exhausted before the real fight, otherwise we're doomed. I better start seeing more of ya'll taking the day off work and risking your salary to stop Nazi's, otherwise you might as well be one yourself.
:Alt+Tab out of Wolfenstien: What?
Not perfect but that's sooooo much better than throwing them in jail for cheap labor.
It's a step in the right direction, for sure. Still 100% ineffective unless it's an actual billionaire instead of a dummy, then we can start calling it a protest. Anything less is masturbation.
"Hi Jack, bye Jack."
Sounds like you’re not blaming your bosses, and are blaming the minority and female employees.