[-] Taniwha420@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago

Fossicking and skerrig are related to mining activities, so may be more localized to areas were the gold rush was big. I confirmed they're actual words.

[-] Taniwha420@lemmy.world 5 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

My parents emigrated from Aus/NZ just before I was born, so I inherited a bunch of weird down-under, outdated vocabulary.

"What are you fossicking around in the pantry for?" "Did you find a few skerrigs of chocolate?" "I need to use the dunny." "That guy in car dealership was apoplectic."

Lots of other turns of phrase, but - with the possible exception of "dunny" are legit words.

EDIT: OK. A few others, I still use 'blasted' as an adjective. If my kids do something ridiculous, "Jesus wept, child," sometimes comes out of my mouth. Then a bunch of, "running around like a sprayed blowfly," or, "wandering around like a lost soul."

[-] Taniwha420@lemmy.world 1 points 4 days ago

Second one looks good. She has got a bit click-baity, but I found a lot of Thais Gibson's "Personal Development School" channel on YouTube to be really accessible. She has links to tests, but it's also useful just listening to her video overviews if the different attachment styles and seeing if you recognise yourself in any of the descriptions. Certainly I was at a loss, watched them, and was like, "Oh shit! Her description of anxious preoccupieds and dismissive avoidance is almost verbatim what I'm dealing with!"

If you are dismissive avoidant, don't read the comments. There are a lot of butthurt anxious preoccupieds out there. They really do experience DAs like that, but they've got their own shit to work out and contribute to the dynamic.

[-] Taniwha420@lemmy.world 41 points 1 week ago

A thumbs down is also non-aggressive. The middle finger is escalating and can be considered provocation. Thumbs down is just an expression of disapproval. It's less inflammatory and cuts deeper.

[-] Taniwha420@lemmy.world 86 points 1 month ago

"Had a relationship with ..."

Sex with a minor. Hmm ... sex with a minor. I could swear we had a word for that.

I often cringe a bit at the rhetoric coming out of the men's rights corner, but the gender bias around sex with minors in so consistent.

[-] Taniwha420@lemmy.world 56 points 3 months ago

A longer digestive system is necessary to properly break down plant cellulose. This is why some small herbivores are copraphagic (eat their own shit, like rabbits): it takes two times through to extract adequate nutrients.

[-] Taniwha420@lemmy.world 89 points 3 months ago

No, they're not worried about joggling your junk. It's because you need something like an extra half inch in the seam on the side you dress on to leave a little extra room in your pants for your dick. Well-tailored pants are asymetrical. Not sure those of you who wear briefs need to worry about it.

Trolls (lemmy.world)

I rather randomly picked up the first four books in this series a couple decades ago when I was in France. It was a rather new experience for me as a Canadian to read a graphic novel with adult content. It is funny! I also learned a lot of vernacular and adult French in the process. Plus, I really liked the vibrant art.

The Trolls are awesome.

[-] Taniwha420@lemmy.world 58 points 6 months ago

I maintain that we have a battle of world views going on here. In some ways it's about the myths we believe in. Most environmentalists believe in what I call the Hobbit Paradigm: we live in a beautiful garden, and if we grounded ourselves in relationships with our communities (including nature) we would have a good and sustainable life. Many technocentrists believe in what I call the Star Trek Paradigm: humans are limitlessly ingenious, technological solutions will save us, and Nature is viewed with an anthropocentric utilitarian ethic.

I do not believe in the Star Trek Paradigm. It's hubris. I also don't think it's a very pragmatic paradigm. We live in a world we evolved to live in. Not worrying about this world because we think terraforming other planets and setting up space bases might be a possibility is not comprehending the Good or risk very well, IMHO.

I suppose a third paradigm is cold-blooded, individualist Realpolitik; It's a dog eat dog world, fuck you, I'm just trying to get mine as hard as everyone else is. In this case Space Colonisation is just a beard to disguise a callous and usurious relationship to the beings is this world.

That makes the conflict one of story, of myth, which means no one will have their minds changed by facts. They're belief systems. We need to expose those fundamentally short -sighted or selfish beliefs. We need to tell better stories, and expose the ridiculousness of the other stories.

[-] Taniwha420@lemmy.world 276 points 8 months ago

" ... and no identifiable tattoos."

[-] Taniwha420@lemmy.world 49 points 8 months ago

Oh, this is true old school, "people from under the hill" fairies.

[-] Taniwha420@lemmy.world 222 points 8 months ago

The article states that there was no known motive, but it also states that automated cars in SF have been attacking people and emergency vehicles, in addition to blocking traffic for human drivers.

It's pretty clear that this is the beginning of the anti-robot revolution.

[-] Taniwha420@lemmy.world 88 points 8 months ago

That shit scarred me, and I think was a major contributor to an anxious-preoccuppied attachment style as an adult. A lifetime of being put on a pedestal from the recognition I was bright and a novel thinker, and then the judgment when I inevitably goofed something up left me with a deep -rooted belief that the true me was unworthy and an inevitable fuck up. "Taniwha is an intelligent and capable person, if only he would stop being such a fuck around." I learned not to trust myself because inevitability I'd do something impulsive, or miss some social queue, or not stay with the program, which made me very Other-focused and wanting to do the "right thing" so I didn't let everyone down again.

Every single report card and evaluation I've ever received was full of back handed compliments pointing to a moral failing. "... if only he just completed his homework on time," "... needs to stay focused," "... too much time socialising with/distracting his neighbour."

"Lots of potential ... If only ..." Never enough.

Fuck you. That was the thing I was born to struggle with. How many stupid kids got sent home with report cards that said things like, "John's a hard worker and attentive student. He has a lot of potential, but he needs to work on not being stupid."

Parents: "Johnny. You NEED to stop being so stupid in class, and start being smarter or you're going to need Canada's most disciplined ditch digger."

To this day, an accomplished academic, a variable professional, and kind person I still freak out inside when someone gets excited about me. I keep falling into relationships with avoidants because trying to please someone who I've let down is just about all I know.

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