You're right, and thanks, although one label was a lot easier for me to accept than the other!
(This all happened several months ago, btw)
You're right, and thanks, although one label was a lot easier for me to accept than the other!
(This all happened several months ago, btw)
Probably the best answer is: talk to a therapist.
Having said that, I didn't. But you should know that it's really easy to convince yourself that everything is fine when it isn't, and difficult to figure out what's actually wrong. (And then in my case, realize I actually did know all along, and was just suppressing it).
A couple of resources that may help you figure out your gender are:
🤣 Damn it, I thought I hadn't posted any photos online...
You just blew my mind. I mean, I realize it must take a lot of knowledge and practice to get a good result, but...
Wow, if I could get whatever design in exactly my size...
Hehe, I've been going around the past week or so (still mostly stealthing) with shaved arms, legs, and painted nails, and despite a couple of double-takes, nobody even commented. (Actually a bit disappointed...)
Woah, that's a lot of info! Thank you!
The joke is using twisted logic to avoid identifying as trans. As I understand it, cis/trans usually refers to same/different identified gender vs that assigned at birth. Instead, we're saying "well I'm a girl now, which matches what I wanted, no need to call myself trans"
Does that help? I'm very new to this myself...
Aww, that's so sweet! What a kind gesture. The outfits look super natural, and I bet they feel great! Love the hair, too.
Seconded. I had a great time at university, but geez do I wish I'd come out then rather than waiting till now. That's just present-day me talking of course; please don't take it as pressure to do something you're not ready for.
OP, you have all the time in the world. You're not going to miss out on anything, so stay safe, OK?
Good! Loving the effects of HRT. It's definitely "magic is real" levels of mind-blowing. Although more than that is how not bad I feel since allowing myself to ... be myself. No more "what if I was a girl", no more "I wish I could fill out this sweater", no more "I'm wasting my life", no more meat-puppet, no more waiting to die.
I'm trans, and it's awesome. (Can my beard just go away now kthx)
Oh, and I finally reached the summit in Celeste. Take that, self-doubt.