Well, I would say first, don't be afraid that you'll pick the wrong thing. Keep an open mind and research and try different things. Like some others have said, generally avoid the idea of picking something you love, unless that is something that has a good demand/supply ratio of workers. Otherwise you'll be competing with other people who love the same thing, in a race to the bottom in terms of both money and work conditions.
Here are a few things that could help:
There are probably many online articles and websites that provide additional/updated ideas and resources.
Your local public library should have a section with books on the topic of choosing a career. Ask your librarian for help.
If you're still in high school, find out if they offer aptitude testing and other career counseling. If not, check your local community college to find out if they do. Another option that's less accessible (price and distance) but that you may find worthwhile is the Johnson O'Connor Research Foundation (https://www.jocrf.org/)
Disclaimer: some of this advice is a little United-States focused, but you should be able to generalize it to many other countries.