Fuck lemmy for leaking politics to every possible community and not removing it on user reports. What a cesspool of a platform.
Because memes aren't journalism: you got any sources?
Memes aren't journalism, but this is a meme community, not a news community. However, one could argue that this is not exactly a meme, so your point is fair.
I'd still like to get the sources. Otherwise, content like this is like disinformation spreads. Meme community or not.
As i just said in another comment: imagine the backlash if someone were to post something similar with putin face. People are being accused of being russian trolls for the slightest unaligned critic of ukraine government. I'm not questioning it but this post is what propaganda actually looks like
I'm all for diplomacy. Finding diplomatic solutions to these kinds of problems is the ideal outcome.
When it's not ideal and you're dealing with someone irrational or uncooperative, then maybe fighting isn't the worst way to go.
Bluntly, I support Ukraine. They're clearly trying to make diplomacy work.
I can't say the same for Putin/Russia.
LoL. That upvote count. You bots can’t even feign organic.
Can someone explain how you are supposed to get Russia to leave? Sanctions didn't work, lethal aid didn't work, F-16s didn't work, and striking Russia itself isn't either.
You can argue for the war to continue I suppose, but Ukraine isn't winning and I'm not seeing anything here that would change that fact.
Ah, but have you considered that the good guy always wins?
This seems to genuinely be how libs think about this. There's no need for any practical considerations about what is achievable or how long it would take or how much it would cost, because the people with the best ideas will always come out on top, no matter what. The only way to lose is to corrupt the purity of the cause and of the ideal, practical/material considerations are unimportant and somehow unclean and distasteful to even consider.
"Just world theory," I suppose.
All posts need to have the same title: me_irl it is allowed to use an emoji instead of the underscore _