I don't see a website linked, you might want to edit that in to your post.
Edit: found it: https://clockwooork.github.io/
I don't see a website linked, you might want to edit that in to your post.
Edit: found it: https://clockwooork.github.io/
Hi! Please consider offering downloads in epub format as well as PDF. PDF is difficult to work with, particularly when it has a hardcoded dark background like the Meteorina files. I am not able to read these comfortably on my e-reader, for example.
If you have source files in some other form you might be able to convert them easily to epub with something like Pandoc. I'd be willing to help figure out the process if you can send me a source sample to work with.
I have other formats for the novels, but now that the Meteorina project is becoming bigger I should provide epub files too. I'll work on adding more buttons and get back to you in a couple days!
Update: I added EPUB formats for both Meteorina and all other short stories; I have been postponing that QoL fix for a LONG time but you finally gave me a reason to go and do it 😁
Awesome, thanks!
Hi! I'm not sure I see the link but I'd love to check it out! (The post title just links to the image)
Le traduci anche? :)
Di fianco a ogni storia ci sono le bandierine che indicano in che lingua sono! La maggior parte sono bilingui; alcune sono solo in italiano. Simulacra Navigans, l'unica storia che avevo in inglese, è quasi a fine traduzione.
EDIT: Ho finito di tradurre Simulacra; mi ero dimenticato che anche Snowstorm e Lady Firefly erano English-only, prossimamente tradurrò anche quelle!
Consider checking out /c/writing , where aspiring and seasoned writers/solarpunks discuss their craft.
Great tip, I'll definitely check it out!
Where have you been hiding! I just checked out one of your solarpunk short stories (Martedì // Tuesday, thank you for writing and translating). I loved how much dialogue there was. I don't usually think of more "technical" minded people (like physicists) as being so focused on characters (we often focus on technology or systems), but that shows my prejudice I guess!
Looking forward to seeing what you come up with next. :)
That's so flattering, thank you! 🥹
Your prejudice was half-right actually: tech and systems are what I really want to explore, but I use shorter stories as "experiment" to practice other aspect of storytelling too. After all, characters are the most powerful illusion spell on the reader!
What's going to be next:
Nice work Clockwork! Can't wait to dive in ^^
Thank you! Let me know what you think 😋
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